




Latest News

When we do the Ho’oponopono the petition goes out.It gets accepted as a petition and the energies move towards the transmutation process, which only Divinity can do for us.
When we do the Ho’oponopono the petition goes out.It gets accepted as a petition and the energies move towards the transmutation process, which only Divinity can do for us.
Word of the week / 2025-02-10
How to Love Yourself? How to Clean Financial Lack?
How to Love Yourself? How to Clean Financial Lack?
interview / 2025-02-07
Every Time You Clean, That Memory Is Released!
Every Time You Clean, That Memory Is Released!
interview / 2025-02-05
Dewdrops of Wisdom Completion Message
Dewdrops of Wisdom Completion Message
SITH Reading Study / 2025-02-04
【Ho’oponopono Business Class in February】: Registration Deadline
【Ho’oponopono Business Class in February】: Registration Deadline
Notice / 2025-02-04
Basic 1 Class Feature
<The Greatest Gift for Living Freely>

What is restricting your life: money, time, relationships, health, age, or something else?
What are you doing to achieve it and change the current situation? If your life isn’t what you expected, who are you dissatisfied with: your company, society, the nation, family, or yourself?

What if, right here and now, a key to your freedom was placed before you? Would you take it?
SITH Ho’oponopono is a life tool that allows anyone to practice independently right away, based on ancient Hawaiian wisdom refined for modern times.
When you’re struggling to live freely or understand your role in life, it’s because you’re out of sync with your “perfect self.” This is the simplest problem-solving method that can bring you back into your natural rhythm and balance.
Learn how to restore “freedom, peace, and balance,” the essence of you and the world.

Class / Lecture

Basic 2 Class Feature
<What the Late Morrnah Left Behind>

Although SITH Ho’oponopono has spread worldwide, its process involving the subconscious was initially developed by founder Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, named a Hawaiian State Treasure in 1982.

Through cleaning, the methodology was refined as it spread globally, dividing into the current Basic 1, Business, and Health classes. The 12 steps process has been practiced worldwide. Eight years ago, the “Basic 2 Class” was introduced in Asia for the first time, following an inspiration that the consciousness was prepared.

It is the only opportunity to practice the “soul restoration” devised by Morrnah under the ideals of freedom and peace.

Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates, messages from Ihaleakala and KR, and a practical blog that provides mental training just by reading it.



Instructor Interview

How to Love Yourself? How to Clean Financial Lack?

In Ho’oponopono, we learn that our relationship with Unihipili is very important. We need to learn how to love ourselves and care for our Unihipili.

Every Time You Clean, That Memory Is Released!

This is an interview article with Marvin. Marvin’s responses are highlighted in light green. This time, we had another conversation with Marvin. We discussed a pattern that many people easily fall into—blaming others, especially those closest to us. <We Are Always Present When...

How Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len’s Ceeport Cleaning Tool Came to Be

This is an interview article with Marvin. Marvin’s responses are highlighted in light green. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Certified Instructor, Marvin, will be teaching a Ho’oponopono Business Course this February.In this third part of his exclusive interview, he shares memories of his...

Learned This! How to Clean for Others

Through this story, I want to share the energy that cleaning can bring. Cleaning itself is simple, but when we practice, it’s not always easy.


~ Meeting Ho’oponopono Today ~

No matter how much cleaning you’ve practiced or how deeply you’ve understood it, the essence of Ho’oponopono boils down to one thing: practice.

What You Can Do for the Images Shown by Your Inner Child

When you experience problems and clean with them, that act itself becomes an expression of love toward your Unihipili.

The Impact of Being at Zero on Those Around Me

When witnessing someone suffering in a hospital bed, you have the ability to take 100% responsibility for what you yourself are experiencing.

Have You Ever Wondered if Your Cleaning is Correct?

Doubt is a block. Children don’t question or hesitate about how to play; they simply do it.

Personal experience

Messages from My Body

There’s the constant pressure to handle tasks in society, the invisible binds of the 'shoulds' I’ve placed on myself, and I end up overwhelmed.

A Decade of Records

Whenever I made vague plans or needed to adjust dates and times, the other party would often reach out first to reschedule, or the date would change on its own.

Free From Grief

As Dr. Hew Len said in our class - Just Do It. Get to the cleaning. And so, even though I thought the fear would be mine forever, I did it.

What Sprouted on a Cleaned Land

It is often during smooth times that I forget to clean… Even after practicing cleaning for a long time, this habit is hard to break.


[JAPANESE]『Da Vinci News』Announcement of Article Publication

An article by Irene Taira, Ho'oponopono Asia Office, was published in Da Vinci News.

[JAPANESE]『Gendai Busines』Announcement

An article by Irene Taira, Ho'oponopono Asia Office, was published in Gendai Business.

KR Service

Personal Consultation

Each “answer” derived in the personal session is given to the individual. In this individual session working with Ho’oponopono, we work with the awareness and questions that each client owns.

Absentee Body Work

KR ABSENTEE BODY WORK is a service that works directly with the body's identity through a problem-solving method called Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono. As many of you have already realized, our bodies, in part and in detail, have consciousness and individuality, just like our personalities.

Land Cleaning

For many years, KR, along with the late Morrnah, has been providing land cleaning services, primarily to clients living in Hawaii. This is a service committed to supporting land cleaning. Now KR offers land cleaning services to clients in the U.S. and around the world.

Books published in English

Dewdrops of Wisdom

Authors: Morrnah Simeona, Ihaleakala Hew Len, Kamaile Rafaelovich

Seasons of the Mind

Authors: Morrnah Simeona, Ihaleakala Hew Len, Kamaile Rafaelovich

Books published in Japanese


イハレアカラ・ヒューレン(著)、カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ(著)、SITH ホオポノポノ アジア事務局(監修)

ハワイの叡智 ホ・オポノポノ 幸せになる31の言葉

イハレアカラ・ヒューレン(著)、カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ(著)、平良 アイリーン (翻訳)

人生が変わるホ・オポノポノの教え (PHP文庫)

ジョーヴィターリ(著)、イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著)


イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著), カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ (著)

ホ・オポノポノジャーニー ほんとうの自分を生きる旅

平良 アイリーン (著), イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (監修), KR (監修)


イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著), カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ (著)

ホ・オポノポノ 誰もがし幸せになれるハワイの叡智 (TJMOOK)

イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著), カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ (著)

アロハ! ヒューレン博士とホ・オポノポノの言葉

平良アイリーン (著), イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (監修)

だれもが幸せになるハワイの言葉「ホ・オポノポノ」 (マキノ出版ムック)

イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著), カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ (著)


モーナ・ナラマク・シメオナ、 イハレアカラ・ヒューレン、 カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ



ホ・オポノポノ ライフ ほんとうの自分を取り戻し、豊かに生きる

カマイリ・ラファエロヴィッチ (著) ,平良 アイリーン (翻訳)

ウニヒピリ ホ・オポノポノで出会った「ほんとうの自分」

イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著), KR女史 (著), 平良アイリーン (著)


イハレアカラ・ヒューレン (著), 丸山あかね (著)

あなたを成功と富と健康に導く ハワイの秘法

ジョー・ヴィターリ (著), イハレアカラ・ヒューレン博士 (著), 東本 貢司 (翻訳)

Books published in Chinese


作者: 伊賀列阿卡拉.修.藍博士, 丸山茜 採訪


作者: 平良愛綾,吉本芭娜娜


作者:平良愛綾, 監修:伊賀列阿卡拉・修藍/KR






作者:伊賀列阿卡拉・修藍博士, 平良愛綾


作者:伊賀列阿卡拉・修藍博士, 櫻庭雅文


作者:伊賀列阿卡拉・修藍博士, KR女士, 平良愛綾


作者:伊賀列阿卡拉・修藍博士, 河合政實


作者:伊賀列阿卡拉・修藍博士, 喬・維泰利

Books published in Korean

우리 함께 호오포노포노

요시모토 바나나 , 타이라 아이린 지음 / 김난주 옮김

진정한 나를 되찾는호오포노포노 라이프

저자 카마일리 라파엘로비치(KR) / 역자 김윤경

호오포노포노다이어리 2020년

저자 이하레아카라휴렌・KR / 번역감수 이유정

예지의 물방울

모르나 나라마크 시메오나, 이하레아카라 휴렌, 카마이리 라파엘로비치


저자 이하레아카라 휴렌・KR・타이라 아이린 ❙ 역자 임영란


저자 이하레아카라 휴렌・가와이 마사미 ❙ 역자 임영란

처음 만나는우니히피리

저자 이하레아카라 휴렌・KR・타이라 아이린 ❙ 역자 조현희

호오포노포노(처음 만나는)

저자 이하레아카라 휴렌・KR・타이라 아이린 ❙ 역자 조현희


저자 타이라 아이린 ❙ 역자 김남미


저자 이하레아카라 휴렌・조비테일 ❙ 역자 황소연

하루 한 번호오포노포노

저자 이하레아카라 휴렌・사쿠라바 마사후미 ❙ 역자 이은정