Irene Taira was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1983. Graduated from Meiji Gakuin University with a BA in Literature, and has been practicing Ho’oponopono in all aspects of her life since she first encountered it in 2007. Currently, as a public relations officer for the SITH Ho’oponopono Asia Office, she accompanies instructors at Ho’oponopono lectures in Japan and other Asian countries. She also gives lectures to share her own experiences of learning alongside Dr. Hew Len and KR. In her books,『ウニヒピリのおしゃべり』、『ホ・オポノポノジャーニー ほんとうの自分を生きる旅』. In her translation book,『ホ・オポノポノライフ ほんとうの自分を取り戻し、豊かに生きる』『ハワイの叡智ホ・オポノポノ 幸せになる31の言葉』, etc.