KR is the only person to have learned bodywork directly from the founder of SITH Ho’oponopono, Morrnah Simeona, and has been performing bodywork, along with private sessions, for clients worldwide for nearly 40 years.
Message from KR
ABSENTEE BODY WORK is a service that works directly with the body’s identity through a problem-solving method called Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono. As many of you have already realized, our bodies, in part and in detail, have consciousness and individuality, just like our personalities.
Often we treat our body as if it were our own property, as if consciousness wields absolute authority.
Therefore, in this bodywork, we begin the cleaning process with the information you have given us, and we begin by treating each of your bodies as a precious identity.
The body’s voice, its history, what you are aware of and what you are not, will be explored through the cleaning process, and then cleaned again, leading to liberation.
The unique feature of this bodywork is that you are not only the client of your body, but also the body of any other person, human, animal, or plant, whose body you feel needs to be cleaned.
Let your inspiration guide you as a care taker to see what you think needs to be done with this bodywork.
I remember when I was just beginning my training with Morrnah, she said the following to me, “You will soon begin absentee bodywork just as I already have. The truth is, as long as the body itself has an identity, you can do absentee bodywork and share the blessings of it. Absentee bodywork makes it possible for the client to receive Divinity care directly through you.”
Let the body live its true purpose, let it happen, and peace will always be with you.
The color, shape, and condition of your body is a form of your memory. This is the process of living your true self with Ho’oponopono. Your joy, sadness, pain, and anger that you experience through your body are all manifestations of cleaning. KR, the representative of SITH, will support you in cleaning your body, which is KR ABSENTEE BODY WORK.
The late Morrnah Simeona, who reworked ancient Ho’oponopono into the modern version of SITH Ho’oponopono, entrusted KR with her secret techniques and was the first person chosen to be her cleaning partner. Since then, clients from all over the world have come to KR on Oahu, Hawaii to experience bodywork using Ho’oponopono.
ABSENTEE BODY WORK is a consultation that allows you to clean, heal, and resolve your body issues without having to travel to Hawaii. KR ABSENTEE BODY WORK is a process that has been carried on by KR since the time of Morrnah.
We invite you to experience KR ABSENTEE BODY WORK.
Application Process
Your application will be considered complete when both the application form below and payment are confirmed. After we confirm both, we will send you an application completion e-mail. At the same time, KR will begin the cleaning process.
After the session, you will receive an end-of-session message from KR and a “personal cleaning tool” for that client via email at a later date.