




Jean Nakasato

Mary Koehler メリー・コーラーCaring for the child within is the only way to live the true purpose of life.

She has been practicing Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono for over 30 years in both her personal and professional life.

Of the many gifts she has received from Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, the most memorable is “Always and forever clean yourself.

It is a simple reminder that Self is the first and only thing we need to clean first and foremost because it is the only thing we need at all times and in all places in this world. Sometimes we forget that the cause of our problems lies within, and we wander around in pain, trying to find a solution outside. By cleaning my Self once, I can always find the light that is given to me again, and I am given the time, place, and people to live as me.

From 2007 to the present, she has worked as a SITH teacher mainly in Maui. As an Education Specialist for the Hawaii State Department of Education, she works to improve the environment of educational facilities in Hawaii. In her classes, she shares about cleaning in the workplace as well as her own life.

Instructor Interviews
