Patricia Leolani Hill

Patricia Leolani Hill パトリシア・レオラニ・ヒルNo matter what difficulties you face, you will always find the perfect path for yourself in the process of erasing the causes from within.

Native Hawaiian, first met Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona in 1982. She learned the gift of SITH® from Morrnah in Hawaii in 1983.

Embracing this beautiful practice based on repentance, forgiveness and transmutation, has afforded her the opportunity to clean with family, relatives, ancestors and all in creation, moment to moment, enriching her life with purpose and clarity.  She came to Washington, D.C. in 1979 to work for the late U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka, retiring in 2013 at the close of his career in Congress.

Through Morrnah’s guidance, Senator Akaka and she were blessed in assisting and witnessing the coming home of the Lady of Freedom to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center.  She has been the Coordinator for the Washington, D.C. SITH® classes since 1984 to the present.

She has taught SITH® classes ONLINE in the US, Argentina, Korea, Mexico, Romania, India classes and IN PERSON in the US, Former Soviet Union (Kazakhstan), Japan, Korea, People’s Republic of China, Singapore and Taiwan, the Republic of China.

Instructor Interviews
