




Please Read

Even a single drop, when it falls upon water, creates ripples that resonate with the entire space. No matter how small the drop, it moistens what is dry.

We never know how even the smallest drop affects the world.

When your drop falls silently into society, what kind of flow will it create?

A drop always falls at the perfect time. The moment it drops, how it affects the movement of a single leaf on the other side of the earth, how it rides on the waves, rustles the feathers of birds, and echoes in the mountains, is beyond our understanding. But for the universe, it is perfect timing.

As we go through the Reading Study of “Dewdrops of Wisdom,” we repeatedly experience each chapter in the book, cleaning with what emerges from our subconscious.

This process is a transformation from wandering in the darkness to being guided by a divine presence, walking your own path. The journey of the drop towards the timeless etheric body begins now.

While observing the heart, we will clean following this guide.

There is no “right” answer.

This is the beginning of the history of cleaning your memory.

You become aware of your heart’s state and clean.

That is the sole purpose.

And for your Unihipili, it’s time to gradually return to the pace of your life, at the speed of the divine intelligence, at the best timing.

Clean with haste.

Clean with expectations.

Clean with judgments.

Memories will be erased.

Memories are being erased.

You now stand before the door of invitation to freedom from judgment.

While you stand here,
on the palm of your divine intelligence,
you simply clean with
what appears,
and clean with
what becomes visible.

Let’s begin.

Thank you.

Reading this chapter,
did you touch the pain of your inner child, the Unihipili, that has been hurt for many years?

Did you feel the presence of this child within yourself?

And did you feel that all the dirt and wounds that the hurt Unihipili has been carrying for many years were washed away, and that it was protected by a kind father, and that the door to go home was opened?

Each of these sentences is designed as a process to remove all the betrayal, pain, and fear that you have been holding onto.

It’s the process of returning home to the inner house, to the father you have been separated from for a long time.

The tension a child feels when meeting a father they didn’t know existed is similar to what we repeatedly experience in life.

The first greeting when talking to a new friend at the park.
What should I say in an interview?

What should I say in a proposal?

How can I talk to someone I admire without being disliked?

How should I bring up divorce?

How should I ask for a loan?

At such times, read these sentences over and over again.

When you are anxious, remember from within that you are a child of the light, always trusted and trusted in return, and that you hold the key to life completely.

All experiences exist solely for you to remember this.

When you courageously speak to someone, when you have expectations, when you make requests, the only meaning of these experiences is to remind you of the inner trust that is the very framework of your life.

Wherever you are and whatever you do, let’s remember what kind of being you are.

Remember that you are a being loved by the Divinity and bathed in light, and act accordingly.

SITH Reading Study ‘Dewdrops of Wisdom’

Reading Study

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