Dear Ones,
Thank you for sharing this moment of peace.
As we look to the New Year, we can choose to clean with any uncertainty, anxiety or concerns that we may experience about our future, our place in the Cosmos, or how to express our gifts and talents. Without knowing anything, we can clean with the opportunities available to each of us. Divine Grace gives us Infinite possibilities for moments of Peace and Freedom. Are we willing to do our part?
For each of us, it is a moment-to-moment choice. Do we choose to let go of the past hurts and offenses, or to hang onto the suffering and pain? In an instant – and maybe only for a moment – we can choose Peace. Again and again.
Thank you for the wonderful opportunities to clean. Thank you for choosing a moment of peace.
I wish you, your families, relatives and ancestors, Peace, health and abundance for the coming year.
I love you.
Peace of I,
Momilani Ramstrum
San Diego, California, December 2022