Holiday Cleaning Tools for 2025
Dear Students of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono®,
Thank you so very much for all you do and ARE. We are so very grateful to share with you the following Year End Gift.
As we enter this New Year of 2025 we can embrace it as an opportunity to clean, always and only looking at ourselves and our relationship within our inner family.
Plate of Donuts
(Donuts meaning a round pastry that has a hole in the middle)
Mentally image, think or say: Plate of Donuts or Donuts.
By placing the Plate of Donuts on self, situations and what you want to clean, the Donuts are activated and may pop off the Plate and fly around……going where they need for the cleaning.
Also physically eating, if only a little, of Donuts if you are so Inspired, may assist with the cleaning as well. ENJOY this Ho’oponopono tool any way you like.
We wish you, your family, relatives and ancestors PEACE ALWAYS AND ALWAYS.
Mary Koehler,
IZI LLC Master Coordinator & Master Instructor
Constance ZHoku=Pana Webber,
IZI LLC Representative & Forrester, Lifelong approval as an IZI LLC Instructor
Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich,
IZI LLC President, Lifelong approval as an IZI LLC Instructor

She attended her first class in 1997 and one year later began coordinating classes in Oregon, USA. Since then, she has traveled around the world with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Click here to read an interview with Mary Koehler