Dear Students of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono®,
Thank you so very much for all you do and ARE. We are so very grateful to share with you the following Year End Gift.
Puff Pot

It is a Puff Pot filled with tiny gold colored sparkly sand.
The Puff Pot, when activated, releases the goldish sand that covers and sticks to everything as part of the cleaning and letting go.
The Puff Pot process may be applied to anything including persons, places, things, situations and circumstances…..including X to represent unknown.
This process also cleans with earth problems, border problems and situations, cultural issues, contrived uses of energies and elements and all abuses in our lives and existences.
It helps to seed and pollinate correct actions, systems, thoughts, words and deeds.
Wishing you, your family, relatives and ancestors PEACE always,
IZI LLC President, Lifelong approval as an IZI LLC Instructor
IZI LLC Master Coordinator & Master Instructor
IZI LLC Representative & Forrester, Lifelong approval as an IZI LLC Instructor