The Basic 2 Class is a masterclass in life. It allows us to truly engage in understanding our existence and everything that happens around us.
In the Basic 1 Class, the primary goal is to reconnect with the Unihipili, understand who we are, and identify where the problem is. However, in the Basic 2 Class, I believe it is possible to experience the Trinity and learn and experience more deeply how each identity regains its function. For me, this Basic 2 Class provides the tools necessary for my daily life. It is indispensable for living.
We often try to understand and correct various issues, such as friction in relationships, losing a sense of purpose, imbalances in health or business. But first, I practice the “soul restoration” taught in Basic 2. Simply put, it is the most practical and effective method for creating real change in my life.
Rather than trying to understand the problem or searching for someone to blame, I can repair the errors in my soul and various identities. As a result, I regain inner peace, inspiration, motivation, and vitality. This is something that can only be experienced through practice.
Momilani Ramstrum