“Imagine if back then, my life could have been different if only…”
How often do you carry such a story in your life?
If only I were more beautiful like that person, if only my parents were wealthy, if only I had chosen that person back then, if only I had studied more at that time…
Even if we try not to look back at the past, when something happens, we often blame things that didn’t happen in the past.
We depend on how much of what we hoped for has come true.
Depending on whether or not it has, even our confidence, joy, and sorrow at this very moment are affected.
The beauty of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono is that it allows for the dissolution of fixed clichés, assumptions, and beliefs that have solidified in our lives, helping us return to the path originally presented to us by the divine intelligence around us.
Ho’oponopono can even make time travel possible.
Though we carry the burdens of past thoughts, cleaning with them literally cleans up past events and even those before, changing the “now.”
I am constantly amazed by how much this relates to the fulfilling life I lead now through my practice.
In my personal experience, doors always open through cleaning.
However, no matter how wide the doors open, you can’t notice them when the stories based on memories keep unfolding one after another.
Using these as reasons to progress or impose limitations is like painting your memories onto the path you walk.
The very idea that you’ll only be happy when you get everything you want is also a memory.
Through cleaning, we unravel the limitations we have imposed on ourselves throughout our lives, one by one.
My Peace,
Momilani Ramstrum