




I am sure that many of us now feel more depleted than ever in the name of motivation, the energy to get things moving.

We are now in a state of survival at any given moment. It is very painful and difficult to make decisions and do things with a dense memory and without the support of inspiration.
Which news to read, whose social networking posts to read and what not to read. Which paths to take? Which job to start with, who to contact? Who should I consult?

When our consciousness, which is clinging to our memories, takes control of the choices we make in our daily lives, large and small, it blocks the divine breath that is supposed to flow through each choice and action.
In other words, there is no room for your talents, which are gifts from the Divinity.

When we feel depleted, the first and foremost thing we need to do is to take back our breath.
At the heart of every person, house, car, investment, school, business, and money is energy itself. There is energy or there is no energy, that’s all.
Whether or not you have energy in you right now is the factor that solves problems and relieves stress.

When we feel depleted of energy, one thing we can do right now is HA breathing, which brings us into the rhythm of the Divine, no matter what state we are in.

It is not about whether you can achieve your goals or not, or whether your dreams will come true or not, it is about your energy in this moment that is the most important thing. I realize through my own experience that this is the shortcut to success.

We are given the chance to return to our energetic and original being at all times and in all places.
And the ” true self” is a happy being that is already fulfilled without any involvement of goals or dreams.

Throughout the two-day class, we will learn how to reclaim our energy and you will feel the divine breath pouring in.

Peace begins with me.

Mahayana I. Dugast, Ph.D. met SITH Ho’oponopono in 2008. She has three sons and one grandson. She says that her work, motherhood, and grandmotherhood are all in harmony with the blessings of being able to practice the “true self” that she learned at SITH. She attributes her ability to express herself in all three roles with a peaceful heart to the cleaning of each moment. To read the full interview with Mahayana I. Dugast, please click here.

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience