Why are you here, right now?
For some, it may be the place or position they dreamed of. For others, it may be a place they ended up at unintentionally or were swept into, or a place they ended up due to family or financial circumstances.
Throughout our lives, we have believed, somewhere deep within us, that reaching our ideals and being in a good place for ourselves would eliminate the stress, discomfort, and loneliness we currently feel. We believed that reaching the goal was the ultimate destination in our pursuit of happiness.
Ho’oponopono is not a magic ship that will take you from where you are now to your ideal place. It is a process that allows you to release the memories, information, and judgments you unknowingly accumulated and return your body and soul to the Right place for yourself.
By cleaning the judgments we hold about our current place, our desired place, the cultures, histories, and people that make us believe in certain ideas, we give ourselves permission to be where the divinity has placed us.
When we are trapped in judgments, we cannot find our place. Because we are unable to live our true self-identity.
Who am I, after all?
When I failed a Japanese language course in college, Morrnah cleaned and told me, “You have a connection to the Ainu people from the past, and there are unresolved issues there.” Cultures and histories will continue to affect you in various aspects of life until you clean those memories. Unless you clean and face them, what you engage with will not face you.
By seeing the true nature of your current place, you can reclaim your sense of belonging.