




When you hear the word “environment”, what do you imagine? Do you think of events outside of yourself like your home, societal or school environments, the future, or the planet? Don’t you feel that the environment is something in which elements other than yourself play a significant role, such as upbringing, residence, education, society, and nature? And somewhere deep down, do you believe that this environment is a major factor that brings you good fortune?

Often when we face a problem, we wish for it to be fixed. But what we can truly ask from the divine is to let go of the memories stored within us that are the cause of this problem, and to restore our inner environment to its original state.

At all times, the closest environment that we can immediately address affects all external environments that manifest around us. This environment is our inner emotions. Is it unstable? Is it like a place where the air doesn’t circulate well or the sun doesn’t shine? Or is it an environment with many stimuli? When you handle your inner environment through cleaning, changes appear in the external environments where you once felt powerless.

I often look out of my office window and sometimes find myself grateful for the blessings brought by a sudden downpour. Other times, I may feel the day’s schedule has become a hassle, or I might fear the news about global warming I heard the previous day.

However, when I realize this and start cleaning, I return to my true self, and with the rain living its identity, I can regain energy. This energy allows the real me to exist in the right place at the right time and enables me to do the right thing.

When we judge merely based on what is good and bad, we treat ourselves as prisoners. By cleaning those judgments, you can fully experience the real you, present in this moment, rather than the version of you who’s constantly running around in the theater of memories.

For me, cleaning with my environment, nature, and what appears is as vital as breathing is to living.


KAMAILELAULI’I RAFAELOVICH (a.k.a. KR), the first disciple of the late Morrnah Simeona, founder of SITH Ho’oponopono. She has been cleaning for over 50 years and holds an MBA (Master of Business Administration) and MAT (Massage Therapist License) certifications. In addition to her real estate business in Hawaii, she also does Ho’oponopono consulting, bodywork, land cleaning, and lectures throughout the country. She is the author of many Ho’oponopono books. Please check the books from here

KR Interview

KR Movie

Personal Experience