




This is an interview article with Jean. Jean responses are highlighted in yellow.

Taking care of your Unihipili is the most important thing!

── Nice to meet you. Could you tell us about your encounter with Ho’oponopono?

In 1982, my husband and I was living on the island of Maui where we both had jobs. One morning, I saw a large photo of Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona (the founder of SITH® Ho’oponopono) on the front page of the newspaper, and for some reason, I felt instantly fulfilled and thought,  “Who is this lady and there is something very special about her.”  In her news article, Morrnah talked about “repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.”  I wondered how can things and problems be “transmutated” from negative to pure light.  The article also said that Morrnah was going to give a free lecture.  So we decided to go and find out what SITH® was all about.  At that time I was working as a speech language pathologist with many children and adults who I thought needed to be fixed and healed.  My husband being an engineer was always looking for solutions on how to solve problems.  By the end of the lecture, we both knew that if we didn’t go to the class that Morrnah was offering that weekend we would miss the opportunity of our lifetimes. 

── I have plenty of opportunities, but I always cut corners… This morning, I spilled sugar in my travel bag, and it was only then that I realized I had forgotten to clean, so I talked to my Unihipili and said, “I’m sorry.” That’s basically my daily routine.

Everyday life is dynamic, things happen cannot help, and we get very busy and may forget about our Unihipili. SITH® reminds us that if we forget to acknowledge or take care of our unihipili, by “cleaning” we have infinite chances to start anew. The key to our well-being is the gentle and compassionate care of our unihipili. “Thank you, I love you Unihipili. I am sorry if I have neglected you all this time. I love you.”

What We Truly Want is Divine Happiness

── I believe inner peace is really important. When I have a fight with my family, as long as I pretend to be at peace, my Unihipili won’t settle down. When I clean and let go of what I’m holding onto, my inner peace returns, and the other person also calms down.

Isn’t that wonderful that the world around you can change by you just cleaning yourself.

── It’s necessary to approach the “real cause,” isn’t it?

Yes, it is important to address the original cause of the problem, but we don’t know what it is. Only Divine Intelligence knows the original cause and your personal blueprint for healing memories. We have billions of memories swirling around in our head and we may think we know the cause, but we do not. The beauty of SITH® is simply to make that appeal to Divinity, “start the engine”, Let Go and Let GOD, And It is Done!

── Exactly!

Divinity’s plan for each and every one of us is perfect.  It’s just that we get in the way of this divine path because we may think too much, try to figure it out, or say “I know”, etc.. And when we have family or friends who may seem to have problems, we may feel the urge to help them.  However, do we know what the divine plan is for these people?  Taking good care of our triune and especially our unihipili is key to restoring the inner beauty and peace we all are looking for.  If your unihipili is happy it’s going to help you release memories.  And so begins the path to divine Freedom. 

── That’s right. I need to let go of my judgments before taking action.

Letting go of judgements and saying “I know nothing” is humbling. We have been raised in a world where we are taught to do critical thinking, have solutions, make decisions, follow what is expected of us, etc. And so we search for the wealth, health, and happiness out in the world – seeking our “Shangri-la”. While the true “Shangri-la” is discovering the Divinity within oneself.

Jean Nakasato Living in Oahu, she has been practicing SITH Ho’oponopono for over 30 years in both her personal and professional life, having met and engaged with Morrnah on Maui in 1982. As an Education Specialist for the Hawaii State Department of Education, she worked to improve the environment of educational facilities in Hawaii. Click here to read a related interview with Jean Nakasato

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience