




Thank you for continuing to clean through these “Drops of Wisdom” every week.  

What experiences are you having right now?  

I would like you to take a moment to read page 6 of the “Preface” once again.  

2nd [Preface] Page 6  

Let this be an opportunity to remember that these “Dewdrops of Wisdom” are the key to finding your self-identity.  

How are you honestly receiving this reading study from this newsletter that arrives every week?  

Are you:  

  • Bored  
  • Feeling it’s a hassle  
  • Looking forward to it  
  • Feeling no change  
  • Feeling more settled  
  • Struggling because you don’t have enough time to read thoroughly  
  • Feeling rushed as if you must do it  

Please honestly clean the feelings that are appearing in yourself right now through this reading study.  

Any emotions you experience through continuing something are memories you have repeated until now.  

Through cleaning, we are indeed standing on the path to reclaiming freedom.  

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len said:  

“The purpose of life is cleaning. It is the ‘key’ to connecting with life, including every atom and molecule, and is an indispensable action for true communication. With this ‘key,’ you become the creator of peace, love, abundance, and understanding in every moment. Peace always begins with you, includes your family, and encompasses every community in the universe. Everything is done with peace, reverence, humility, and love through this ‘key,’ which is cleaning.”

During this week, in the interval of the reading study, “Dewdrops of Wisdom,” may you remember that you always have the ability to use this ‘key’ and that you know how to use it, and may you live each day experiencing the peace that begins from within. 

Peace begins with me. 

SITH Reading Study ‘Dewdrops of Wisdom’

Reading Study

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    Personal Experiences