




We have completed the Dewdrops of Wisdom Reading Study.

All 42 sessions have come to an end. Beginning in February 2024, we have read one chapter each week, every Tuesday, from this book that was brought together as a single volume. It is the result of the words of inspiration expressed through Cleaning by the late Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, KR, Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and other SITH® students.

While it can be seen as conveying the universal message of Ho’oponopono, the shifting shades of our fleeting memories, which we continuously clean through this process, may have sometimes felt like the very rhythm of a living heartbeat.

On the other hand, there may have been times when, even as you struggled with the reactivation of memory, you resisted and clung to it. On such days, no matter how much you read this book, nothing might have sunk in.

Regardless of the experiences you had, we are deeply grateful for the Cleaning of everyone who joined and engaged with this Reading Study.

Although this Reading Study has now come to its conclusion, Dewdrops of Wisdom will undoubtedly continue to provide the wisdom we need—transcending time—to walk the sacred path, whenever we choose Cleaning.

Peace begins with me.

SITH Ho’oponopono Asia

SITH Reading Study ‘Dewdrops of Wisdom’

Reading Study

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