




The more I cleaned, the more questions arose. Having once had cancer, my focus naturally shifted towards preventing a recurrence. As I researched prevention methods and sought opinions from various people, I often felt lost, unsure of what was truly beneficial for me, even as I was on the path to recovery.

However, as I continued this process of cleaning—dealing with my fears, doubts, and irritations—I realized that these feelings had always been a part of me, even before I was aware of them. Through this continuous cleaning, I began to truly understand that the information and answers I really needed could be obtained at the best timing and in the most suitable form for me.

I also recognized that I had harbored fears of not surviving or suffering losses without special connections or information. As I cleaned with these thoughts as well, the ideal opportunities, places, and methods for me began to come my way through various people, often in unexpected forms.

J.P. Deluca

Jean-Pierre (JP) Deluca attended his first class of SELF I-DENTITY through HO’OPONOPONO® in 1992 in Boston, MA where he met Dr. Hew Len. He has been using this powerful system, yet, very simple, for many years now and, although at the beginning he was not a believer, he is now 100% committed as he has been benefiting from it in a big way. Click here to read an interview with (JP) Deluca

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience