My brother suffered a cerebral hemorrhage in his 40s in 2019. During his hospitalization, he had two strokes, and the doctors told us he probably wouldn’t survive. Practicing Ho’oponopono, I continued my daily cleaning. Miraculously, his life was saved. He remains hospitalized to this day.
There were issues with his family and the COVID pandemic, so I hadn’t visited him in five years. The other day, my husband suddenly said, “Let’s go visit your brother.” At that moment, I felt a strong fear within myself. I sensed it was due to the idea in Ho’oponopono that problems are 100% one’s own responsibility. I was afraid to take responsibility for my life.
I apologized to my inner child (unihipili) and cleansed that fear before going to visit my brother. Five years ago, he couldn’t move at all, but now he could move his left hand. His expression was calm, his complexion looked good, and he even seemed to be smiling as he welcomed us.
While rubbing my brother’s hand, I felt that his presence maintained the balance of the universe, regardless of his condition. I realized that I had needed these five years. I am grateful to my brother for waiting for me, and I thank my inner child and the Divine Creator.