<Message from WAI’ALE’A>
No matter how seriously we tackle our problems, we cannot turn back time. However, by becoming aware of what is happening now and cleaning with it, we can reclaim our “present.” Cleaning feelings of regret about things we wish we had done when our children were younger, or difficult events with our parents, and even regrets about things we did or didn’t do in the past, allows us to obtain the perfect place, timing, and encounters for ourselves in the “now.”
What is happening to you is a manifestation of memories replaying in your subconscious. The more you clean, the better you can cooperate with your Unihipili. In the midst of emotional turmoil, it may seem like it’s too late for anything but regret. However, we are always in the best place we can be. If you can touch the love that is supposed to be through cleaning, you will realize that perfect timing is always present in your life.
Clean with the trivial things, the unspeakable things, the things you’ve bottled up inside during individual sessions, and reclaim your freedom and love. Learning to approach yourself with love and kindness will be the key to living true to yourself.
SITH Private Session