




The price of being busy is freedom.
Surely everyone thinks that busyness and freedom cannot go together like that, but if you ask me if busyness and freedom, or abundance and freedom, are opposites, Ho’oponopono says that they are not.

Freedom is a quality that is inherently present in you.
So whether you are busy or not, financially rich or not, blessed with children or not, freedom is an element of your true self.

The question is whether or not you are deviating from your true path.
So how do you make that choice?

Which job to choose?
What kind of learning environment to provide for your children?
What investments to make?
What kind of house to live in?
What should I learn?
Who should I marry?
What kind of divorce should I get?
What should I eat?

Our daily lives are filled with choices and decisions.
So we learn to make choices and decisions through Ho’oponopono.
I can then make choices not from a past filled with anguish, anxiety, and fear, but from the inspiration of Divinity.

When you know your “true self,” when you truly know how you function as a being and experience that, even for a moment, you will no longer fear problems.
And you will stop looking for money or relationships to solve your problems.

In SITH Ho’oponopono class, you will gain wisdom that you can apply to all aspects of your life and that will be your companion for a lifetime.

Look forward to seeing you all.

Jean Nakasato

Jean Nakasato Living in Oahu, she has been practicing SITH Ho’oponopono for over 30 years in both her personal and professional life, having met and engaged with Morrnah on Maui in 1982. As an Education Specialist for the Hawaii State Department of Education, she worked to improve the environment of educational facilities in Hawaii. Click here to read a related interview with Jean Nakasato

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience