Sometimes, things take an unexpected turn, and challenges seem to stack up one after another.
Last Saturday, my daughter called to tell me she had lost her job. Due to company circumstances, many employees were let go, and she was one of them. She has a two-year-old daughter, and having a job was not only a way to support her child but also a source of great pride. Seeing her disappointment, I couldn’t help but feel sad as well.
Shortly after, my son-in-law fell at home and fractured his ankle. Then, while I was at my daughter’s house helping with my granddaughter, I was about to walk down the stairs with her when we both slipped and fell. Fortunately, neither of us was seriously hurt, but the thought of how easily the situation could have turned tragic left me shaken. Three of us had dangerous accidents in the same place within a short period—I knew there was something to it, so I began cleaning.
And the events didn’t stop there. My former husband’s heart nearly stopped, though he thankfully regained consciousness. All of this happened within a single week.
Looking back, I now feel relieved that things didn’t escalate into something worse. But if this had happened in the past, I would have been overwhelmed, drowning in despair, wondering, Why is this happening to me?
However, through cleaning, I didn’t allow myself to be swept away by the stories my memories were trying to tell. When we start analyzing what happened, we might find ourselves asking, Why me? or searching for reasons behind it all. In doing so, we unconsciously tie invisible threads of consciousness in every direction, gradually losing our sense of freedom.
On the other hand, when we clean, no matter what happens, we can turn our awareness inward. Instead of being consumed by external circumstances, we restore our own natural rhythm, returning to a neutral state untouched by past memories.
Fear, pain, and anxiety are not emotions created by external events—they have always been within us. By cleaning, we clear these inner burdens, allowing what we need to do in the present moment to naturally reveal itself.
In that state, we become perfect tools through which Divine arrangements can unfold. Even in the most challenging situations, we can find joy and feel the very energy of being alive.
No matter how overwhelming the circumstances before you may seem, remember—this is a sign that true healing is on its way.
Irene Schwonek