The problem is not outside.
The real cause of the problem is the memories that have been stored up until now by your inner child “Unihipili” inside you.
With Ho’oponopono, you will learn how to erase the memories and live the perfect and beautiful life that you were originally meant to be.
Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.
1)From Ho’oponopono
to Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono (SITH)
Ho’oponopono is a traditional Native Hawaiian problem-solving method. Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono (SITH) was developed by the late Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, recognized as a kahuna lapaʻau (healer) and honored as a “Living Treasure of Hawai’i”, for use in modern society. SITH has been practiced in North and South America and Europe, where people of diverse cultural and social backgrounds come from, and has been introduced to various international conferences and higher education.
・International Human Unity Conference on World Peace
・World Peace Conference
・Traditional Indian Medicine Conference …
2)What is Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono (SITH)
The goal is to gain a richer understanding of “the personal meaning of being born as a human being on this earth” and to deepen one’s progress toward further awareness.
Through the two-day Basic 1 class, you will learn
・To see one’s own existence from the root, forgive, accept, and cherish it
・To understand the nature of “problems” and learn how to solve them fundamentally and routinely at any level.
・Self – all aspects of the self – spiritual, mental, emotional and physical
・Relationships with family, relatives, and ancestors
・Life: Pregnancy, Abortion, Miscarriage, Suicide, Death and its Processes
・Economic reasons, academics, real estate, etc.
All you need to do before attending is read Dr. Hew Len’s diary, “Who’s in Charge?“.
3)Recommended for these people
・Those who face “problems” at all levels and are unable to find solutions
・Those who are involved in “conflicts” at all levels or in mediation
・Counselors, social workers, doctors, and other professionals involved in healing
・Those who are required to take a leadership role in a group
・Newborns in the right-brain dominant developmental stage – Children in infancy to early childhood
・Those who are stuck in family/relationships, want to improve their environment, etc.
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona Sith Ho’oponopono Founder (1913-1992)
As Kahuna Lapaau, a Native Hawaiian Traditional Advanced Medical Specialist, she developed a training method that expanded on the Ho’oponopono tradition. In 1983, the Honolulu Betsuin of the Hongwanji Temple and the Hawaii State Legislature honored her with the title of “Treasure of the State of Hawaii” in recognition of her achievements.
Related Articles:
Morrnah Interview: “Ho’oponopono spoken by Morrnah”
Dr. Hew Len Interview: “What Ho’oponopono is”