When your child says they don’t want to go to school just before leaving
When they lie about having done their homework
When they ignore you or say hurtful things in a bad mood
When they seem unable to make friends at school
When they are constantly fighting
When no progress is made in their future plans
When they don’t eat the meals you prepare
Can you accept your child as perfect when you see them behaving like this?
When your parent is struggling with health issues
When they constantly complain to you
When they are anxious about the future
When they seem to have lost the will to live
Even if you respect your parents, can you see them as perfect when they are like this?
If not, what are you experiencing at that moment? What are you thinking?
When you can’t see someone as perfect, what exists is just your memories, nothing more.
At such times, before saying or doing anything to the other person, the first thing you should do is look at yourself.
You will surely see various feelings within yourself.
At that time, your job is to initiate cleaning.
After continuing this process, Mary Koehler shares her experience of witnessing a significant change in her family.

She attended her first class in 1997 and one year later began coordinating classes in Oregon, USA. Since then, she has traveled around the world with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Click here to read an interview with Mary Koehler