For Claudiu, the question “Who am I ?” is the question to which Claudiu has been searching for answers for a long period by looking in different places. In 2011 while participating in his first SITH® Basic I class he learned from Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose that all he needs to do is to “Look at myself” and apply the cleaning tools to get the right and perfect answers for whatever he notices & experiences in his life.
He is very grateful for the SITH® process and to all instructors because now he has all the tools he needs to get back in Flow to enjoy his LIFE’s journey.
Claudiu has experienced great benefits of cleaning in all aspects of his life : Family (He has a beautiful wife and two fantastic kids) Business/professional career, Relationship and in other areas that he is not even aware about.
Since 2015, Claudiu has been part of the staff in SITH® classes and from 2019 an IZI LLC Coordinator for Romania so he can share this incredible Gift of Life while cleaning his memories with all students.
He has taught classes ONLINE in Hawaii, Alaska, Kentucky, USA and Romania.
He is very grateful for the SITH process and tools that he can apply moment by moment on himself because like Rumi said:”
Yesterday I was SMART and tried to change the World , but today I am WISE and try to change only Myself”