




Always stay open without deciding what’s best

“Important family” doesn’t just refer to visible blood relatives. We can’t consciously understand how we’re connected to the beings who appear before us or where that connection shifted from our ancestors. 

── Since we can’t understand the cause or connection, having the perspective of “I don’t know” is essential, isn’t it?  
In the business world, there are many situations where we need to assess the situation and implement plans. How can this be applied?

For example, if you feel that saying “I don’t know” after making a decision is irresponsible or strange, that interpretation is off. It’s about creating a state where you’re open to receiving inspiration that holds all possibilities, without deciding what’s best. If you let go of judgment, clean with your to-do list, and keep yourself open, things will flow smoothly in the right order and timing, making you open to possibilities you hadn’t imagined. When facing responsibility at work, the weight of new challenges, or the fear of the unknown, cleaning with your current feelings may help you enjoy the same tasks without seriousness. When you’re stuck or undecided, turn your attention inward and ask, “What memory in my subconscious is causing this experience?” By cleaning and leaving it to the divine intelligence, you’ll find release.

── There have been many situations where I’ve been able to overcome obstacles because of cleaning. Even in unexpected developments, I could move forward by receiving inspiration because I stayed open. Not clinging to things is important, isn’t it?

As you clean, you’ll definitely change, and some will find themselves doing things they couldn’t have imagined before. By letting go of memories like likes and dislikes, you allow yourself to become your true self.

How to Relieve Kūkāipa (Mental Constipation)!

── I find the expression “kūkāipa (mental constipation)” in Hawaii interesting.

It refers to a state of stagnation, drowning in memories. It’s when you can’t see the future, possibilities seem invisible, and you feel stuck. Only you can know whether the constipation comes from thoughts or emotions, so it’s time for introspection and cleaning.  
I personally feel stagnant when I open my computer or start an app and feel anxious, irritated, or restless, making it hard to absorb information. By stepping back and cleaning, I can calm down, and things flow more smoothly.

── That’s a perfect description of relieving constipation. When you’re stuck in your thoughts, ruminating on unpleasant events, or reacting to minor things, do you have any tips?

It’s important to step back and remind yourself, “The cause isn’t outside; what’s happening isn’t external.” Reflect inward and ask, “What memory within me is causing this attachment?” Constantly teach yourself that the cause lies within your own memories.  
Expectations or attachments like “I want this to happen” are the flip side of thoughts like, “This is the best for me!” or “Success means this!” Honestly clean with those thoughts and leave it to the divine, which knows what’s truly best. I recommend cleaning not only when you’re feeling negative but also before taking action, when you’re idle, or when you’re enjoying yourself. Even when things seem to be going well on the surface, you don’t know what phenomenon could arise from hidden memories. By clearing them away, your surroundings will be arranged, and unnecessary negativity will be removed, leading to a smoother flow.

When Your Inner Family Aligns, Inspiration Will Guide You

── I often get asked about the difference between caring for the Unihipili and “cleaning.” What approach should one take when they find themselves being harsh toward the Unihipili or unable to distinguish between inspiration and mere belief?

Cleaning is about lightening the emotional memories the Unihipili has carried, so it is a form of care, but it’s also different.  
For example, behind being harsh toward the Unihipili, there’s anger. Reflect inward: “Is this frustration coming from my subconscious or conscious mind? At which point is this happening?” Clean with the various emotions and memories like anger, sadness, or disappointment. At the same time, face the pain the Unihipili bears from emotions, gently tell it that everything is alright, and show it love and care. This is how you care for the Unihipili and your inner family. The conscious mind (Uhane) needs to decide to clean with what’s happening within, or the subconscious (Unihipili) cannot begin gathering memories. Like peeling back the layers of an onion, as you repeatedly step back and work through it, you’ll emerge from the state of being drowned in memories and start to see your true self.  
As for “Is this inspiration?”—doubting and questioning it is a state of constipation. When cleaning is happening, it feels like riding a bike smoothly, moving forward. Understanding that distinction within yourself is important. The Unihipili is like a young child, drowning in emotional memories, and it doesn’t know the right answers. Even if you’re angry or screaming, it’s okay. You must decide to soothe the pain of the memories the Unihipili shows you and erase those memories. When the Uhane and Unihipili work together in harmony, the inner family becomes aligned, and inspiration will present itself. It’s something fluid and natural, free from emotional and mental attachments. Recognizing that as inspiration makes it easier to understand.

── Your explanation about letting go and becoming fluid without being attached to emotions or thoughts is very helpful. Returning to the basics will allow me to continue simply and smoothly. Thank you again.

KAMAILELAULI’I RAFAELOVICH (a.k.a. KR), the first disciple of the late Morrnah Simeona, founder of SITH Ho’oponopono. She has been cleaning for over 50 years and holds an MBA (Master of Business Administration) and MAT (Massage Therapist License) certifications. In addition to her real estate business in Hawaii, she also does Ho’oponopono consulting, bodywork, land cleaning, and lectures throughout the country. She is the author of many Ho’oponopono books. Please check the books from here

KR Interview

KR Movie

Personal Experience