




We naturally form judgments about the places we live or visit, labeling them as “good” or “unpleasant.” At the same time, we often wonder about the influence these locations might have on us. If a place feels right, we may wish to settle down; if it feels wrong, we might want to change it or distance ourselves.

However, Dr. Hew Len suggests that, in moments like these, we can pause to ask ourselves:
“What is it within me that is connecting me to this place and making me experience or think about it in this way (whether good or bad)?”

The land was here long before you arrived. Rather than judging it, first work on what this land is bringing up in you. As you clean with this, memories will be released, from both you and the land itself.

When memories are cleaned and you achieve freedom, the land can return to its true purpose. Once freed from the bonds of memory, the land can return to its original state of “emptiness” or “zero.” Inspiration will naturally flow—perhaps leading you to move on, or perhaps revealing a purpose to fulfill together. But what truly matters is your own freedom from those memories.

Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D. heir to SITH Ho’oponopono and a leader in its spread throughout the world. He graduated from the University of Colorado in 1962, then the University of Utah, and received his doctorate from the University of Iowa in 1973, where he was Dean of Education and Director of Special Education. He later became President of the Medical College and Assistant Professor of Education, then Assistant Professor at the University of Hawaii in 1974, and Executive Director of the Hawaii Association for the Mentally Handicapped in 1976, where he worked on rehabilitation of offenders and support programs for the physically handicapped. He was a frequent speaker at the United Nations, UNESCO, and World Peace Conferences, etc. He passed away on January 15, 2022 at the age of 82. He published many books (click here for the list of publications). Click here to read an interview with Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.


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