




Where does the feeling of “wanting” something come from?

I want to try that cake.
I want to stay at that hotel.
I want that bag.
I want a partner.
I want children.
I want to have a dog.
I want to live in that kind of house.
I want to have this amount of savings.

From small desires to big ones, where do the feelings of “wanting” that drive us daily come from? In Ho’oponopono, it is believed that these feelings are memories.

The joy, hope, sadness, and hatred born from “wanting” are all results of the reactivation of memories that have long been stored within us.

The stimuli, motivation, or even envy and inferiority complex that what we want shows us come into our lives to make us aware of them.

What do you want right now?
When you think of that, try cleaning each emotion that comes to mind.
What disappears when you clean is the memory.
The desire for what you want does not disappear.

However, when the memory is cleaned, what remains is the true self, and the perfect identity you have encountered through “wanting.”
When you meet not through the connection of memories but through inspiration, you can regain your true freedom.
Both you and the other person can live according to your true flow and talents.

Mary Koehler Lives in Portland, Oregon. Master Coordinator of Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono at IZI LLC.
She attended her first class in 1997 and one year later began coordinating classes in Oregon, USA. Since then, she has traveled around the world with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. Click here to read an interview with Mary Koehler


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