When you feel exhausted due to your surroundings, the starting point for practicing Ho’oponopono is understanding that the memory causing this fatigue originally resides within yourself. Everything we experience reflects the intentions, thoughts, actions, and events you’ve accumulated since the beginning of the universe, now manifesting as situations in this very moment. Therefore, only you hold the power to take responsibility for anything you encounter.
When witnessing someone suffering in a hospital bed, you have the ability to take 100% responsibility for what you yourself are experiencing (seeing, feeling, hearing, etc.). Upon realizing that your own lack of freedom caused by these memories can keep many other beings from achieving freedom, you might feel a sense of guilt. However, even this guilt isn’t happening right now; it’s a memory that already exists within you.
On the other hand, regardless of what may happen, if you persistently clean your memories, those memories will be released not only from you but also from your surroundings.
Why not start today by cleaning, step by step, whatever you notice in your experiences?