As a tribute and thank you to Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the Zero Wise team, who supported Dr. Hew Len in his later years, has created a memorial video.
Please watch the video along with a message from Joann Kailikea, who supported Dr. Hew Len with her constant cleaning until his last breath.

On the evening of January 15, I was working in my study. As soon as I got up to go check on Ihaleakala before dinner, I saw the staff man hurrying toward me, saying, “Joann, you better come now,” and I ran to Ihaleakala’s room.
I felt the rhythm of the cleaning in Ihaleakala’s last breath.
At 5:10 p.m., dear Ihaleakala returned to 100% eternal freedom.
It was in the middle of 2008 that Ihaleakala moved into the house where I live with my partner and our two dogs.
When he wasn’t lecturing abroad, he spent his days playing the piano in our home or touching the ukulele and playing Hawaiian tunes that were familiar to us from our childhood.
Especially after he retired from teaching, Ihaleakala’s daily routine consisted of leisurely walks around the house.
It still makes me to think that I can still find him in the garden, in the sunshine and admiring the flowers.
I’ve seen many spiritual gurus in my life, but I’ve never seen anyone whose deeds, words and actions were even a millimeter out of sync with his.
My aunt was Hawaiian and taught traditional Hawaiian Ho’oponopono, so at first I was very uptight about Ihaleakala, whom I met through Ho’oponopono, in a different method than I was familiar with.
However, as I saw him for what he was and what he did rather than what I understood in my head, I was naturally led to SITH Ho’oponopono.
One day, I invited Ihaleakala to look at a computer display in the room where I usually use the room to study.
There’s a map of the world where various people who were currently practicing cleaning as part of a project I was working on with Ihaleakala could freely place flags with all the countries he visited.
I looked fearfully into the face of Ihaleakala, who was sitting in his chair without saying a word, and he was quietly looking at the map with tears streaming down his face.
I cleaned it in silence.
Finally, Ihaleakala said quietly
I wish I could have shown this to Morrnah.
That’s what he said.
“INTO DIVINITY” is the title chosen by Ihaleakala. He said someday we have to use it, and it became our project in itself.
I happened to have the opportunity to live with Ihaleakala for the last 14 years of his life as one of the beings on the path that emerged through his cleaning, and it was an asset to me to be able to see him in every detail of his life how he practiced the Ho’oponopono process as a natural flow in every moment.
I may not be able to convey this in a tangible way. But even so, I believe that seeing the daily life of Ihaleakala will be a catalyst for many people to clean their memories and return to the flow of cleaning.
Above all, I would like to share with you the pure love and gratitude of the friends who spent the last years of Ihaleakala’s life together, along with the sight and music of Ihaleakala.
I believe that each of you will have your own encounter with Ihaleakala through Ho’oponopono.
As a human being, you are experiencing separation right now, but after cleaning your pain and sadness, you will be able to feel the rhythm of Ihaleakala, he has been continuously cleaning throughout his life.
Into Divinity.
My heartfelt gratitude and love to Ihaleakala for his journey to the eternal place.
Joann Kailikea

Born to a native Hawaiian mother and a father who came from the U.S. mainland. She is now 76 years old. For Joann, who was born and raised in Hawaii, Ho’oponopono was the traditional Ho’oponopono that could be learned in a regular school, done as a kind of moral lesson. At the same time, she learned how to do Ho’oponopono as a way of freeing her mind from her aunt named Mildred, who also raised her. When she went to college, she moved to the mainland United States, where she met Dr. Hew Len, who introduced her to the modern version of Ho’oponopono (Self-Identity Through Ho’oponopono).
After graduating from college, she worked as a coach for professional tennis players and was also invited by a top US-based company to work in coaching and employee development. The basis of her coaching is Ho’oponopono itself, which states that when we recognize that all identities are conscious and share memories, we can achieve an amazing level of focus and self-realization and self-accomplishment that cannot be understood or attained through individual effort. This has been endorsed by athletes and entrepreneurs who live on the front lines of this competitive society that has nothing to do with spirituality.
The most important thing is to have the “Aloha Spirit” in every creative process.
For 25 years, she has been coaching Ho’oponopono based employee development and management programs for the following companies.
ABC (American Broadcasting Company), IBM, Coca Cola, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Allied Signal, Texaco Oil, Shell Oil, PNC Bank, Sears, GMAC, and the New York Stock Exchange.
Then, around the time she decided to retire, she started living in Los Angeles with Dr. Hew Len, her partiner, and their two dogs, as naturally as if her life had been planned that way originally.
“The only task in your life and mine is the restoration of our Identities ~ our Minds ~ back to their original state of void or zero.” ~ Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D.
With these words, “Zero Wise” began, and as each of us went about our work, the necessary ideas, support, and people came together.
Dr. Hew Len was always clear throughout the entire process. Nothing was ever blocked in the flow.
I feel the sincere gratitude and joy that we each reached each other and the bridge we needed by cleaning ourselves.