




Many people who practice Ho’oponopono often express concerns about their Cleaning not working well or being done incorrectly. In these moments, it’s essential to focus on the level of trust you have in your own Unihipili.

Our subconscious, our inner child, has been ignored for a very, very long time. Only recently have we begun to engage with it, so what exactly are we expecting from this relationship?

To live as our true, perfect selves and to see the world free from memories, the depth of trust and love between you and your Unihipili is crucial.

I struggled with depression and anxiety for many years. Even as a young child, I was burdened by depressive feelings. For example, when receiving a Christmas present, instead of feeling joy, I worried, “What if other kids didn’t receive anything?” Back then, I would feel down with no idea how to handle it, wondering why I felt so much pain and shame. And even now, I still experience these feelings. I discovered Ho’oponopono at 30 and have practiced it for decades since. I’m certain that the reason I am here today, living, is thanks to Cleaning.

For Unihipili, there are so many deeply painful things. Sometimes I feel like crying for reasons I don’t understand, or feel sad or empty. I may even feel embarrassed that, after all these years of Cleaning, I still have these emotions. But if that’s the case, it’s an opportunity to offer Unihipili the utmost care and love, because it is Unihipili, my own self, who has suffered under memories of things that never seemed to go right, no matter how hard I tried.

“That’s tough, but it’s just a memory. It’s just there. We can let it go. Let’s try releasing it.” Just saying this, gently and compassionately, can make a world of difference.

“Thank you for showing me.”

When we express only gratitude to ourselves for what we’re experiencing, without judgment or punishment, we begin to feel a new rhythm within ourselves—a sense of confidence that becomes stronger with each acknowledgment.

Even if my child acted in embarrassing ways or appeared foolish in front of others, I am the one who wants to stand by them, to trust them no matter what others may think or say. I want to say, “Thank you for showing me. It’s time to let go.” Even if I’ve been through this process repeatedly, there’s always more. So, let’s keep Cleaning.

Even now, waves of depression come over me. But I feel they come less frequently, and I’ve become quicker at working with Unihipili. It’s all rooted in Unihipili feeling loved. When you experience love and trust within yourself, no matter the circumstances, that inner confidence becomes your foundation.

Wai’ale’a Craven x

WAI’ALE’A CRAVEN X resides in Hawaii. She first learned SITH Ho’oponopono directly from Morrnah in Pennsylvania 37 years ago and has since participated as a staff member in Hawaii, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. She has primarily practiced Ho’oponopono in her support work with individuals with disabilities. As a single mother, she raised three sons and now continues to practice Ho’oponopono in her relationships with her grandchildren. Click here to read a related interview with WAI’ALE’A CRAVEN X. For more information and to register for private sessions, please click here.

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience