This is an interview article with Marvin. Marvin’s responses are highlighted in light green.
CEO Xiaolin of Awakened Mind interviewed Marvin who will teach Ho’oponopono Business class this February. This is the first of a three-part interview. Today, let’s start by exploring Marvin’s journey with Ho’oponopono.
<The Problem Is Not Ours—It’s What We Are Experiencing>
── I’m so thrilled to have this opportunity to interview you. The first time I read your story was in 2009, in the book Zero Limits. At that time, I was a beginner in Ho’oponopono, and your story inspired me to trust the process of cleaning. It feels like a dream to meet you in person today.
In February 2025, you will be teaching the Ho’oponopono Business Class. My first question is: I understand you attended your first Ho’oponopono class in 1998. What prompted you to take the class?
Thank you for this question.
Actually, my first class was in 1997. At that time, I was dealing with many issues—challenges in my relationships and financial problems that emerged despite having had a promising career. It felt as if problems were surfacing everywhere in my life.
A close friend of mine suggested, “You need to attend this class.” I had no idea what the class was about, and it was a two-hour drive from my home. I went solely because I trusted my friend.
I told them, “I’m open to trying anything that might help me.” When I attended, I met Dr. Hew Len. Looking back today, I have to say that attending that seminar was one of the best decisions of my life.
Through Ho’oponopono, I learned that the problems weren’t truly “mine”—I was simply experiencing them. Back then, I often thought, “Oh no, I have so many problems!” But looking back now, I no longer say I “have” these problems. Instead, I understand that I was merely “experiencing” them.
In life, we often describe issues as “our problems,” but they’re actually just experiences. Through practicing Ho’oponopono, I learned to let go. This allowed me to step out of the stress and detachment from these experiences.
We must remember that we are created in the image of Divinity; we are born perfect. Every single one of us is. Our true essence is perfect. For me, attending that class was truly one of the best choices I’ve ever made.
<Let Go of Overthinking to Return to Inspiration>
── That sounds incredible.
I remember reading in the book that while working in luxury car sales, you never tried to sell anything to anyone. Instead, you repeatedly said, “I love you,” and used Ceeport cleaning stickers, placing them everywhere—on your computer, in your office, and elsewhere. Yet, in just one year, you sold $150 million worth of luxury cars.
When I read your story, I was deeply moved. I went and bought many stickers to put all over my house. However, despite doing that, I often doubted, “Does this really work?”
So my second question is: How were you able to trust Ho’oponopono so much at that time?
Thank you for this question. Yes, I did a lot of cleaning back then.
I believe the most important step was making a decision for myself.
In Ho’oponopono, we say that we can only be in one of two states:
1: The state of Zero: In this state of emptiness, inspiration flows in, and we receive gifts from Divinity.
2: The state of memory: This is the state we often find ourselves in when we’re not cleaning. In this state, we become stuck in memories.
I think the root cause of problems in life is that we think too much. When we overthink, we look outward, believing that the problems lie elsewhere. But when we truly observe, we realize the issues ultimately point back to us—our inner memory bank.
Where is this memory bank? It’s within us.
When I first started learning Ho’oponopono, I made a decision for myself: Do I want to remain in a state of inspiration, or stay stuck in memory?
Once I understood this choice, everything became simpler. You either choose inspiration or memory. I chose inspiration. This is the only choice we need to make.
Sometimes, we overthink or blame ourselves, saying, “This problem exists because of what I did.”
But we need to remember that we are created perfectly. Even when we are experiencing issues, our inherent perfection never changes.
When I was selling cars, I didn’t try to push or persuade anyone. Instead, I focused on cleaning.
The energy of cleaning works in both directions. It benefits not only me but also my family, relatives, ancestors, and the person I’m interacting with.
Additionally, everything—people, cars, land—has its own identity. When we clean, everyone benefits: the land, our homes, everything around us, the universe, and even the country we live in. Cleaning releases memories.
This process involves asking Divine to release the memories. For example, when we say, “Thank you, I love you,” or use other cleaning tools, this process includes three elements: repentance, forgiveness, and transformation.
However, you’ll notice that this is not a process where trying harder makes it happen faster. It reminds us that what truly matters is to clean, and Divine Intelligence will take care of the rest.
Our main job is to clean. Through this, we release stress and return to freedom. We return to the state we were created in: Zero, the perfect state. When we are at Zero, Divinity provides us with everything we need.
Each of us is unique, and what we need is different. For example, you might need adjustments in health, while I might need help with relationships. We don’t know; only Divinity knows.
Divinity knows who we are and what we need because Divinity knows our true identity. When we return to Zero, we go back to the perfection we were created with by Divine Intelligence.
When I clean, I have no expectations because I understand that expecting results means I’m thinking too much. It’s like telling myself, “This is what I want,” or saying, “I’ve experienced this before; I know how it works.” These are all forms of expectation.