




“Illness is the manifestation of memories stored in the subconscious, which serves as a reservoir of all past thoughts.”

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, who was recognized as a Living Treasure of Hawaii in 1983, introduced a method of problem-solving to people worldwide. She emphasized that the workings of the mind influence all our actions, environments, and relationships.

Each cell in the body, which we perceive as “ours,” possesses consciousness just as we do. Within these cells, memories are constantly being replayed.

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona モーナ・ナラマク・シメオナ SITHホ・オポノポノの創設者であり、1983年にハワイ州宝に選ばれる。 モーナ女史の詳細プロフィールはこちらからご覧ください。 モーナ女史のインタビュー記事はこちらからご覧ください。

“Illness allows us to recognize imbalances within ourselves. Through this awareness, we can initiate the process of cleaning.”

Morrnah spoke these words and devoted herself to cleaning with gratitude, guiding her clients with care to reach the state of Zero.

When faced with the identity of “illness,” whether as someone experiencing it or as a caregiver, what is being replayed is memory—shared memory. Recognizing this and beginning the process of cleaning allows everything, regardless of the journey, to return to love and freedom, as it is designed to be.

From stiff shoulders and migraines to depression and overeating, any physical discomfort is a reflection of an imbalance within consciousness. When we are disconnected from Divinity, the body loses its natural function. Conversely, when we align ourselves with the rhythm of Divinity, both the body and mind express health.

By learning about the Self within, we gain the ability to care for ourselves—whether the body is suffering from illness or the mind is clouded by depression. Like a mother (Uhane) caring for her child (Unihipili), we can nurture and protect ourselves.

Depression is painful. Many who experience it feel sadness, inferiority, or self-doubt. However, from the perspective of Ho’oponopono, depression is merely a movement of energy. It may even be part of the process of discovering one’s True Self.

Through depression, we receive signs of consciousness being out of balance. This recognition becomes a key that guides us back to cleaning. The same applies to all illnesses—each serves as a key to freedom.

The Health Class provides ways to discover what you can do, regardless of the state of your mind or the illness your body may be experiencing. Even in moments of despair, it offers a way to return to the path of Divinity.

By using the questionnaire as a tool for cleaning, you can break through the shell of memories embedded at the cellular level. The pain in your body, inherited through generations, can be resolved, allowing you to be free from memories shared by all of humanity.

The body is a symbol of life. By cleaning the memories that have been replaying in the body—not out of fear or anger, but with awareness—you can restore health under the energy of Divinity.

Irene Schwonek

Irene Schwonek attended the Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono SITH® class in 2009. Irene has raised two children and is also a master LomiLomi practitioner, author, and a TV-producer for a children’s channel in Munich. Click here to read an interview with Irene Schwonek

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience