When you want to take on something new but find it difficult to start, how do you perceive that situation? How do you feel about yourself when you can’t take that first step?
In such moments, your consciousness will likely begin to work to somehow move forward from that hesitation. The methods vary from person to person. Some might try to think positively to overcome the anxiety that is one of the reasons they can’t move forward, while others might try to eliminate their fears by listening to the stories of successful people in that field or by studying a lot.
If the people around you are so negative that they dampen your motivation, you might try to change your living environment or the people you associate with.
It’s not wrong to think that by changing yourself, you can move forward and start making your dreams a reality. However, there’s one thing you must not forget: you have your own path, your own blueprint.
If your true purpose is to live by blooming your own talents on your unique path, Ho’oponopono offers this suggestion: the goal is not to achieve an objective but to erase memories. Through your own experiences of wanting to challenge something, the highest purpose before you is to clean your memories.
Why is it so important to clean your memories? Because when you are free from memories, you can take that first step through inspiration. It will be a step unique to you, and by taking that step, everyone and everything involved, including people, time, and money, can regain inspiration.
This is the highest responsibility you can fulfill in this life. The path that appears ahead of that first step, the path you see when you look back, is a path of cleaning necessary for the universe, far beyond the goals and dreams your own mind can derive.
From small things to big things, through that step you can’t take, it is possible to experience your true self through cleaning.
Claudiu Lapadat