




The Greatest Ability Granted to You

Imagine receiving a call from a stranger you’ve never met before who says to you:

“I will never speak to you again!”

How would you feel?
You might be surprised, but it’s unlikely that you would dwell on it much afterward.

But what if it were your mother, father, colleague, friend, or beloved child who said this? You would probably feel indignant, sad, and ponder why this happened. Why do you think the same words can elicit such different reactions depending on who says them? It’s because the real cause of what we feel about the issue isn’t external, but rather lies within our memories.

Through that person, the memories we carry are perceived as either joy or anger. Regardless of the situation, we are merely reacquainting ourselves with what was already inside us.

Therefore, no matter what problem you face, you can take direct responsibility for it. Even if it seems like the responsibility lies with someone else, I can take it upon myself. And I am profoundly grateful for this because it is the only way that liberates me.

“Responsibility” means having the Ability to Respond.
What can you respond to when a problem arises? It’s about responding to the Unihipili, which signals that there is a memory here, a memory that can be cleaned.
When a problem occurs, whether it happens to someone else or is a one-sided criticism from someone, the fact that you perceive it, feel something about it, and understand it as a message from Unihipili, and respond through cleaning, that’s what it means to take responsibility for the problem.
Taking 100% responsibility means just that.
Someone’s actions that annoy you or disappoint you are just your baggage. Unihipili speaks to you to let go of this baggage, and you can choose at any time whether to ignore it or respond.

What freedom it is to be able to respond internally! It means taking a stand back to your true self, where there is inner peace.
Whether it’s making money, being kind to your family, succeeding, staying healthy, rejuvenating, expanding your social circle, educating your children, contributing to society, eating delicious food, dieting, smoking, traveling, or just sitting quietly at home alone, everyone has different things to do, but what we truly seek in all our actions is inner peace.
Even unconsciously, we are always pursuing this through constant activity, although we often forget the original purpose.
In such moments, we can use the greatest ability granted to us.

“To take 100% responsibility for a problem.”

Responding through cleaning to the issues that arise allows us to find the path we’ve lost and walk authentically again.
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to share this talk and for the chance to clean.

For Claudiu, the question “Who am I ?” is the question to which Claudiu has been searching for answers for a long period by looking in different places. In 2011 while participating in his first SITH® Basic I class he learned from Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose that all he needs to do is to “Look at myself” and apply the cleaning tools to get the right and perfect answers for whatever he notices & experiences in his life. Since 2015, Claudiu has been part of the staff in SITH® classes and from 2019 an IZI LLC Coordinator for Romania so he can share this incredible Gift of Life while cleaning his memories with all students. Click here to read a related interview with Claudiu Lapadat

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience