




Taking children out somewhere always turns into a dramatic event. They rarely respond with a straightforward “yes.” They insist on carrying heavy bags on outings, or they walk slowly along a straight path when they could easily hurry. One moment they want something cold, and the next they’re upset because it’s too cold.

For example, when I invite my children to visit their grandmother, they often respond with a resounding, “Why? No, it’s boring!”—a reaction that isn’t favorable from an adult’s perspective. Yet, once there, they invariably transform the environment with their boundless creativity and energy, even changing the atmosphere. Or, they might say something inappropriate to an elderly person, turning a minor issue into a major one. But this is precisely what I need to see at that moment. No matter how awkward it may be, it’s something I need to clean with right then and there.

This concept applies even when children aren’t involved.
Why? Because within me, there’s another true self—my inner child, or ‘Unihipili.’

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t get started on work, or found yourself making mistakes and feeling awkward at gatherings with friends despite your high expectations? It’s not just children who can be challenging; sometimes, you may feel like you’re the difficult one to handle. When you feel disillusioned by your own blunders, understand that what happened, what you felt, and what you did are things you need to clean with now.
When you truly realize that your inner child is showing you what needs to be cleaned, your innate responsibility awakens.
Through cleaning, you gain clarity on what you need to do next, as only the Divinity knows the true priorities.
When you connect with your inner child, these priorities become clear, not just in thought, but as a tangible reality.

No matter what happens, what relationships surround you, or what state of mind and body you are in, you are okay.
You possess a responsibility that is second to none.

Claudiu Lapadat

For Claudiu, the question “Who am I ?” is the question to which Claudiu has been searching for answers for a long period by looking in different places. In 2011 while participating in his first SITH® Basic I class he learned from Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose that all he needs to do is to “Look at myself” and apply the cleaning tools to get the right and perfect answers for whatever he notices & experiences in his life. Since 2015, Claudiu has been part of the staff in SITH® classes and from 2019 an IZI LLC Coordinator for Romania so he can share this incredible Gift of Life while cleaning his memories with all students. Click here to read a related interview with Claudiu Lapadat

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience