This is an article from a past interview.
I opened my mind, spoke to everything around me, and a dialogue began!
── Christine has been practicing cleaning for over 20 years and has been through many different stages in her career, and she is currently a construction accountant for two companies. Before we ask you about cleaning with numbers and money, could you first tell us how you got started with Ho’oponopono and your cleaning experience up to now?
Christine: I first attended Dr. Hew Len’s lecture at the invitation of a friend because I was searching for a different “way of being” than I had been. No matter what methods I tried, I was not functioning spiritually, I was not finding peace, and my relationship with my inner self and the world around me was not working. The venue was a two-hour drive away. It was also a Friday night, so I drove there right after leaving work. As a result, the rhythm of the lecture was more pleasant than the content, and I said to myself, “I want to try this!” I joined the next day’s class and the one after that.
── So something actually changed?
Christine: The situation changed drastically. As a Catholic, I was bound by many rules and formalities to have my prayers heard, but in Ho’oponopono, I was shocked to learn that “your guru is yourself and there is no need to go outside of yourself to get the answers you need. But I felt as if my inner self knew that this was the perfect path to follow, and I gradually began to trust myself. We all already know what is right and perfect for ourselves, and all we need to do is listen to our “inner voice” and put it into action. As I repeated this process, I began to enjoy life. It was a really big change.
── You have had a major spiritual transformation. What changes have you seen in your daily life?
Christine: I tried talking to all kinds of things, both living and inanimate. Like the cars on the street. Then I began to understand what they were feeling, and I realized that everything that existed in my world wanted appreciation, and that they desperately felt “unloved. So I began to keep telling them simply, “I love you, thank you. As I did so, the world around me began to expand.
── I have also spoken to stores when I was running my own small store. It’s not just people who want to be appreciated and feel loved. What happened to your job?
Trust yourself and Divinity to carry out your inspiration.
Christine: At the time, I was working as an accountant for another company, which I hated. Then one day, my inner voice said, “You can quit that job!” I didn’t know the big picture and didn’t have a business plan, so I thought, “That sounds interesting, but what am I going to do when I quit my job?” but I cleaned with it and continued to implement my inspiration. Then I started hearing the next step as if I had passed a test. It was as if my inner voice said, “After cleaning it, I’ll show you the next step, the smoothest way to take it. But I have to wait for you to actually take responsibility for each step.
I continue to tell myself, “Thank you for showing me those feelings, it’s okay, I love you,” as I carefully face and engage with my own reactions to each event. And when I stop and listen, I know what to do next and do it. As I did this, I didn’t have to ask every single question, and I was able to move with the flow of whatever was happening.
── I just chant the four words like an incantation, as well as focus on my inner family (as a mother, Uhane, I take care of my child, Unihipili) and clean with it. And when I feel inspired, it is as different from normal life, isn’t it, in that it is important for me to clean my thoughts, feelings, and judgments about it, and to take responsibility for my actions.
But sometimes when I actually do them, I wonder why I did it.
Christine: I understand. It is judging the event that happened and yourself, so you have to accept it and love it with a gentle hug and say, “OK, you feel that way,” and then say, “It’s OK! Let’s clean it!” and continue. Do not neglect the Unihipili and do not leave it unattended at any time. Because there are doors that open because we don’t neglect our care. If you pray for help and surrender to the heavens, but do not act on inspiration, it is like admitting that “you yourself have no power,” and no one will listen to you. Take responsibility for your life by trusting fully in your own power and divinity. It means harnessing the true power within. This is where I find Ho’oponopono most exciting.
Yet, it is easy to forget when we are busy with daily tasks, goals we have set, and deadlines. When that happens, I usually say, “Wait a minute! I need a break! That’s a no-no!” and unihipili starts saying something I don’t want to follow. Then I get a huff and say, “There’s only one reason I exist in this world. It’s for cleaning! I wonder if I can remember that. What about the task!? If I don’t clean, nothing makes sense!” and turn to myself and take care of unihipili. If I fall down, get up, get myself together, and start over. Just like that, every day is a new learning experience of “working on myself”.
── I, too, neglect my inner self, and unihipili gets angry and falls down, so I get up again and repeat the cleaning process. What happened after you kept doing that?
Christine: It sounded to me like, “You could work with flowers,” so I decided to open a florist shop.
── WHAT!!! You quit your job as an accountant and suddenly you are a florist! That’s one hell of a challenge!
The days of creativity and fun in a beautiful world are here!
Christine: I know that. And I was starting from a place where I knew nothing about flowers or flower arranging. But, you know, it was a real test of, “Can I live with the truth that is at the center of me?”.
For example, if I was inspired to buy flowers at the market without any specific order from customers, I would be tempted to dismiss them, saying, “These flowers are too expensive,” or “customers didn’t order those flowers, so I don’t need them. But it is precisely at times like these that I am tempted to say, “Oops! You’re right, I’m sorry! and apologize to unihipili, and buy the flowers as they sound at the market and bring them back to the store. Then, at the end of the day, I receive a phone call and an order for that very flower. Everything is step by step like that. It was like a test to wake up and be able to live creatively in a more beautiful world. It was so much fun and playful. Eventually, I started specializing in bridal floral arrangements, and my appointments were booked up to a year in advance.
── Lovely. You enjoyed yourself, your customers were happy, and you went around financially.
Christine: It was a wonderful job, starting with the cleaning when I got to know the bride and groom, and then getting them perfectly ready for the day of the ceremony, a milestone in their lives. And all this time, economic cleaning was essential through my relationship with the numbers.
── Thank you very much.