




Name : Basic2 Hybrid Class
Date & Time (Japan Time): 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Dec. 7-8, 2024
Date & Time (Hawaii Time): 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM on Dec. 6-7, 2024
Language : English with Japanese translation
Country:Tokyo Japan
Now accepting applications
This class can be attended either in person or online.
Registration for in-person attendance will close once all seats are filled.

Instructor Introduction

Instructor:Nello Ceccon

Nello Ceccon ネロ・チェッコン

He attended his first Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono SITH® class in 2006 in Dublin. He constantly applied the method for three years before becoming the coordinator for Italy. In 2009 he organized the first SITH® class in Italy with Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph. D, and Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose. He has been teaching IN PERSON classes in Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, the United States, Russia, Asia and ONLINE classes in Italy, Ireland, Sweden,Turkey, the United States and Asia.

He is grateful for having had the opportunity to translate in Italian the Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona book: Dewdrops of Wisdom. The cleaning made him realize how much is important either self love, taking care of himself and letting go, instead of being worried about the outside things. Throughout this practice he experienced many miracles, such as friends and students being healed from severe illness like cancer and depression, or successfully going through heavy family fights and financial troubles.

He experienced the strength of Ho’oponopono when he had to move from his family, being able to stay in the place of love, peace and gratitude for the gifts, the three kids, he had received from life.

Nello applies the SITH® method in his practice as an Engineer, he is also a Mediator and Official Technical Consultant for Verona Court. He is the founder and coordinator of a Center for Spiritual Development. He constantly and joyfully applies SITH® process in aspects of his personal life, health, work, finances, and relationships.

Assistant Instructor:Caroline Kawaianuenue Sayres
In addition to the lead instructor, another assistant instructor is participating in the class throughout the two days. Although they are rarely seen on screen, they are always present in class, to lead the class toward the Divinity.

Caroline Kawaianuenue Sayres キャロライン・カワイアヌエヌエ・セイヤーズ

She was introduced to Morrnah Simeona in 1984 when she took her first Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono® class in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Taking numerous SITH® classes with Morrnah and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, within three years she became a staff member of the Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos; and became Coordinator and Instructor in 1991 for Philadelphia and later, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Caroline has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, a certificate in grant writing, and works in non-profit resource development. She has taught SITH® lectures and classes IN PERSON in the US, Argentina, Former Soviet Union, Asia, and Canada; and ONLINE lectures and classes in Anchorage, Alaska, Washington DC, and Japan.

She is deeply grateful for SITH®, applying the tools with Self, and her experiences moving through LIFE—relationships, health, finances, work environments, etc., cleaning memories replaying as blocks and problems that show up and allowing for Perfect and Right solutions, resources, and ideas to manifest.

The realization that the cause of and the solution to all her problems is within herself has been a most profound and life-changing experience. Through the practice of this simple and sacred SITH® process–letting go and letting GOD– she experiences a deep appreciation for the Divinity in herself and in all of Creation. Applying SITH® tools with her sons and family relationships has been invaluable in allowing for a more peaceful existence for all. Peace Begins with Me.

Translator:Yuko Osora

Born in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated from Sophia University, Faculty of Letters, Department of English Literature. Studied at the University of San Francisco.
Worked for a foreign bank before becoming a freelance conference interpreter and translator.

SITH Ho'oponopono

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono (SITH) is an updated Hawaiian problem solving process of repentance, forgiveness, and transmutation to release memories that show up as problems in our everyday lives and affect our business.

During a two-day class you will learn how to apply the Self I-Dentity though Ho’oponopono process
which we often refer to as “cleaning” to learn a new meaning of life through an understanding of one’s Self I-Dentity.
Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono frees Self from memories replaying problems through repentance, forgiveness and transmutation.

SITH Ho’oponopono Basic 2 Class Details

Ho’oponopono Basic 2 classes will be based on the following themes

  1. Combined Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process
  2. Soul Restoration
  3. Advanced quick ways to apply the Ho’oponopono process
  4. Mahiki-Cleansing
  5. New meditation technique
  6. Demands the full acceptance of the triune self
  7. Demands the full acceptance of the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process


SITH Ho’oponopono Basic 2 Class Enrollment Requirements

The Basic 2 class enrollment requirements were established in the best interest of each participant to support the evolution and development of our identity.

The love and attention needed to help us evolve properly and find our inner home is a gift from Dinivity to the inner family.

Participants must meet all 7 requirements.
(No one under 13 years old is allowed to participate)

  1. The SITH® Basic 2 class is for those students who have practiced the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class for 2 years. (student to include date of first SITH® class attended to be 2 years from date of Basic II, no exceptions)
  2. Students have accepted the system as the way to problem solve.
  3. Students must have developed a good working relationship with their triune self, especially with their unihipili.
  4. Students must have taken a Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class between 2002 and to date. Basic I class includes Basic I, Business Ho’oponopono or Health Ho’oponopono 2-day classes.
  5. The emphasis of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is on the care of the Triune Self.
  6. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class is all that you need to know to apply the
    Ho’oponopono process.
  7. It is the student’s responsibility to determine that they meet the criteria listed above and that they are truly ready to take the Basic II.

About the Manual, and the Cleaning tool

The New Student will receive the Basic 2 manual by mail prior to the class.

New Student will be given a “Certificate of Completion” after the class. The Certificate is part of the cleaning tool. In the case of online participation, we will mail the certificate to the address you have registered for.

Note: Manuals and Tool menus

For the New Student.
The Basic 2 Manual will be given to the New Student ONLY.
If you prefer Manuals in languages other than English, please inform the office no later than 15 days before the class.

For the Review Student.
Please use the Basic 2 manual you have already received from previous classes to attend this class.


Date & Time

Date & Time (Japan Time): 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Dec. 7-8, 2024
Date & Time (Hawaii Time): 3:00 PM - 10:00 PM on Dec. 6-7, 2024
*A 90-minute lunch break and several 15-minute breaks are taken during the class.

Online Participation

  • This class will be held using the online meeting app Zoom. Please download the app to your computer or smartphone in advance.
ZOOM PC ZOOM iphone ZOOM Android
  • Once you have completed the application and payment, we will send you the URL to attend the class by email.
  • You can access the URL from one hour before the class. If you are not used to using Zoom, please allow plenty of time for your participation.
  • Please refrain from taking part in this event in cars or in areas that may cause inconvenience to other people or are noisy.
  • A strong and stable internet connection is required.
  • We recommend that you use a Wi-Fi connection (rather than a mobile phone network) to access the class, as it may use a lot of data.

Venue information


  • For Review student, please prepare the Basic 2 Manual, which you received at a class you have attended previously.
  • Please also have the Basic 1 Manual and Tools menu with you as it may be used during the class.
  • Sharing the link of Zoom to others is not allowed.
  • In order to protect the copyright of the material we provide and to protect the privacy of all attendees, recording, filming, screenshotting, etc. are not allowed in any way, either as part of the online class or in its entirety.
  • There are no plans to show the recorded video of the class. Please check the schedule and make sure that you will be able to attend the class.
  • All information, copyrights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights provided in the online class are owned by “IZI LLC”. Therefore, it is prohibited to divulge, disclose, reproduce, copy, distribute, sell, offer, advertise, or otherwise make available to any third party without the prior permission of “IZI LLC”.
  • Please note that instructors may be subject to change as a result of cleaning.
  • Please be sure to read “Who’s in charge?” before the class.

Cancellation Policy

The class at SITH Ho’oponopono will be cleaned by SITH executives and instructors from the time of registration, so we cannot accept cancellations after registration is complete for any reason.

Application Process

Course Fee

New Student (For those taking the Basic 2 class for the first time)
Review Student (for those who have taken the Basic 2 Class before)
World Wide Absentee (for those who have taken the Basic 2 Class before)

You will receive an email with a link for credit card payment after submitting your application using the form below.

Application Form

Flow after application

Completion Email

After we have received confirmation of your "Application" and "Payment", we will send you an email notifying you of the completion of your application in due course.

Download the Zoom app

For online participants, please download the Zoom app onto your device before the event.
Please refer to the following link to download the application.
● How to download Zoom application

How to participate on the day of class

For online participants, a Zoom link for online participation will be sent via email on the Monday of the week the class is held. Please join using the provided Zoom link.

For those opting for in-person attendance in a hybrid class, please come directly to the venue mentioned in the confirmation email.