




What should I do when I witness or hear about someone’s death or the illness of a loved one?  
The answer is to free myself from the chain of this experience. The most significant aspect of Ho’oponopono is that, no matter what you are experiencing, even if you don’t seem to be directly involved in the problem, the focus should be on your own experience. 

It is a method to help you recognize that there is no need to oppose anything, whether it’s an illness, a person, society, culture, or any other subject. When we learn that this is the greatest way to solve problems, we truly find relief.

For example, when our child cannot get into the school we want them to, cannot find a job, or is mentally unwell, we desperately try to intervene and improve their situation. However, we need to realize that in doing so, we are further strengthening the chain of memories. 

What we need to do is not measure how much that person is suffering, but rather recognize that we are the ones trapped by that event, and we need to free ourselves.

It may be hard to believe, but there is only one way out of every problem. If you can find that way out, then all others will be able to find it too.

When you wake up in the morning, or when you go to bed at night, observe your own experience. At that moment, do you feel that you are a gift from the divinity? This is the true measure of our health. 

If there is something physically or mentally heavy or uncomfortable, it is a sign that you are separated from your true self, that you are in the wrong place.

When you are your true self, your compass works, and just as a clock keeps time accurately, your body, brain, and all functions operate in accordance with the perfect design of the divine intelligence. At that time, we do not experience problems themselves. Whether within ourselves or elsewhere, when our axis returns to its original place, everything else also regains its axis.

“All beings are perfect.”

Let’s return to this basic idea of Ho’oponopono. This includes yourself, viruses, vaccines, medicine, family and friends suffering from illness, exams, employment, savings, and history. Everything that exists in this world is included.

But why do we find problems there? Why do we find discomfort, ugliness, stench, and pain there? 

It is because you have found something in yourself that is not truly you. It is poison, it is dust, and it is something that stops the perfect functioning that is you. However, since it is something you have carried for a long time, finding it is actually good news. 

You now have the chance to remove it.

In the class, you will surely find a favorite cleaning tool that works for you. It will be an experience beyond what you imagined. 

Ho’oponopono is a problem-solving method that can directly influence your subconscious (Unihipili).

Nello Ceccon

Nello Ceccon – After working for many years as a technical director for a huge company, he was considering a career change to reevaluate his life, and 10 years ago he encountered SITH Ho’oponopono class. He worked for five years as a management consultant at Arthur Andersen (now Accenture), one of the world’s five largest accounting firms, and then for 12 years led a consultancy for a major European metal manufacturer, after which he became a board member. He is currently a Technical Advisor in the Department of Civil Litigation, where he makes technical decisions on business litigation and trial review arising between companies within the courtroom. Click here to read a related interview with Nello Ceccon. For more information and to register for private sessions, please click here.

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience