




I currently live alone in an old, spacious house that’s over 100 years old, along with some cheerful companions (an 11-year-old senior dog, a blind dog of unknown age, and two cats). I bought this house due to a series of fortunate events, and we live here by ourselves. Since it’s an old-style house with 13 rooms, I’ve had the same woman clean the entire house twice a week as a housekeeper for many years.

Despite having someone clean, our house, filled with rooms and animals, was always messy and dirty. Recently, while I was traveling in Sicily, I received a sudden call from that woman. The voicemail she left said, “I won’t be able to come anymore starting this week. I’ve started working closer to my home for someone else. Thank you for everything.” It was a one-sided message.

I felt a surge of anger inside me. Whether it was the urgency of finding someone new or the slight anxiety from the change in my previously normal routine, whatever the reason, I noticed the anger and frustration within me and started cleaning.

Before delving into the reasons for my anger or thinking about how to deal with it, I simply began cleaning by talking to my Unihipili, saying, “So, I had these feelings, huh? Thank you, let’s clean with this.”

I calmed down, continued my trip, and after returning home, I started looking for a new housekeeper. I was introduced to a woman named Diana, and she came to the house right away. At first, I felt she was slow in her movements. Without trying to suppress this irritation, I acknowledged it as a memory that already existed within me and started cleaning.

After about two weeks, I noticed a clear change in the house. It wasn’t just tidied up; it was organized. Previously, everything in the house was placed in a way that blocked the flow, and even though there were many rooms, the house felt old and heavy. However, now everything seemed to have found its place, and the flow had returned, making it much more comfortable. Even my daughter, who visited, immediately noticed the change, saying, “It feels like it’s new!”

It’s as if the house is breathing. When we have obsessions or when daily habits accumulate with “it has to be this way,” we try to force things to conform to those expectations. However, through Unihipili, the divine intelligence is telling you that you’re getting stuck there. 

The obsession or thought itself is not you. The very thing you believe is indispensable in your life is what is making you feel constrained. Therefore, when you clean with your obsessions, whether it’s wanting someone to change, feeling something is absolutely necessary, or wanting to travel, whatever it is, cleaning it will make your living space, the people around you, and everything else smoother, more timely, and stress-free.

And when you notice negative emotions within yourself, you may tend to wonder why you get angry or hold onto grudges, and think about the causes or reasons. But that too is something caused by “thought addiction.” Ho’oponopono allows you to let go of that as well, enabling you to return to your natural rhythm and divine timing.

Whether you are sick, struggling financially, holding onto resentment, or feeling lonely and out of place, rather than thinking about where to take the next step, by cleaning, you can return to the original perfect plan. Once you clean and remove the small stones within you, you’ll be surprised to realize how many opportunities and rhythms are waiting for you.

Perhaps the trigger might be the new train you start taking after changing your commuting route. Or maybe it’s a new coffee cup. We can’t consciously know what the trigger is, but as the memories are erased, the necessary changes will appear at the perfect timing.

We don’t spend time trying to understand how to interpret the past. At this moment, you can remove the true cause of the stumbling and start walking again.

Peace begins with me. 
Nello Ceccon

Nello Ceccon – After working for many years as a technical director for a huge company, he was considering a career change to reevaluate his life, and 10 years ago he encountered SITH Ho’oponopono class. He worked for five years as a management consultant at Arthur Andersen (now Accenture), one of the world’s five largest accounting firms, and then for 12 years led a consultancy for a major European metal manufacturer, after which he became a board member. He is currently a Technical Advisor in the Department of Civil Litigation, where he makes technical decisions on business litigation and trial review arising between companies within the courtroom. Click here to read a related interview with Nello Ceccon. For more information and to register for private sessions, please click here.

Instructor Interview


Personal Experience