




Name : KR online lecture
Date & Time (Korea Time): 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM on October 6, 2024
Date & Time (Hawaii Time): 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM on October 5, 2024
Language : English with Korean translation
Now accepting applications

Lecture Theme & Instructor

Theme:【 Rhythm 】

Tips for Driving Your Life Authentically

What drives your actions in your daily life?
Is it your dreams and goals, the need to finish a mountain of work for your livelihood, fulfilling obligations by going to your company or school on time, or raising your children in a healthy way?
Perhaps it’s the various to-dos that wake you up each day, get you out of bed, and prompt you to make choices and decisions.

What if there was a rhythm that guided everything in your life in the best possible way for you?
Such a rhythm exists. I have my rhythm, you have yours, homes have their rhythms, and so do jobs.
Just like each instrument in an orchestra plays at the right timing and pitch, each of our identities inherently has its own rhythm. Living within this rhythm continually provides you with perfect encounters and allows you to express your talents.

It’s like driving a car. When you’re driving, you’re constantly moving forward at a steady speed. Within that movement, you continuously become aware of things. You need to notice a left or right turn just before you take it.
If you lose the rhythm, you might easily pass by and have to go back, or you might get stuck in an accident.
However, when you’re in rhythm, you remain aware. That awareness is inspiration. When we receive inspiration, we can proceed on the right path along with the evolution of our soul.

In this lecture, I would like to talk about the small daily events, the thought patterns we easily fall into, and the things we can do daily to get back into rhythm from the stagnation of the present, as well as the cleaning I practice.

Living in rhythm is essential for this world.
When you live in rhythm, the benefits extend to your family, your work, your home, and even to me, far away.


Instructor: Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich(KR)

Kamaile Rafelovich
Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich is president of The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos and IZI LLC.
Kamailelauli’I met Morrnah in 1969 and over several years learned the ancient art of Lomilomi-Hawaiian massage. She is a licensed massage therapist. She was present during the years that Morrnah received inspirations from Divinity in meditation … which brought us the Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process. Kamailelauli’I is president of Bingboard Consulting LLC.
She is principal broker for her real estate company, The Pele Group, Inc. and received her a MBA from Hawaii Pacific University. Kamailelauli’I owns Ho’omau Ranch, a 1600-acre forested property on Hawaii Island and along with her daughter, manages and cares for it.

Translator:YoungJoo Lee

YoungJoo Lee first came in contact with Ho’oponopono back in 2015 while doing her Master’s degree in India on the subject of Yoga & Consciousness. She read books on it and started to look for an opportunity to attend a class which didn’t happen till March 2018 when she came back to South Korea. Facinated by its simple yet profound concept of the inner family and the process of cleaning, she adopted the Ho’oponopono way of living, that is, cleaning memories within herself at any given chance with a 100% responsibility, and has been practicing it evern since. Serving as an interpreter for Korea class was one of many opportunities the Divinity brought upon her and she’s very grateful that her previous experiences in written & oral translation found a better place to serve. She believes that treating a person as a body-mind-soul being is essential to cause holistic healing and Ho’oponopono is a very effective way to restore harmony among those therefore heals and helps people. Knowing that cleaning her own memory is no different from healing others, she’s going to continue cleaning on herself and stretch the application of Ho’oponopono into her professional practice too.

SITH Ho'oponopono

The KR Lecture is an opportunity for KR, the SITH Ho’oponopono representative, who is entrusted to give private sessions by SITH founder Morrnh Simeona, to work with participants gathered around a single theme, cleaning the participants, the venue, the place, the time, the experiences that come up, and any identity related to it.

It can be called an expanded version of the KR private session, where the participants actually clean the memories that are the real cause of problems in their subconscious mind. During the three-hour lecture, participants will be given time to ask questions, and each participant will be able to let go of the memories that we all have in common as we clean them with KR’s cleaning.

The lecture has been well received by participants because of the specific daily experiences and the subtle and cleaning stories that come from living in Hawaii, which are not easily experienced in other classes.


How to participate

  • This lecture will be held using the online meeting app Zoom. Please download the app to your computer or smartphone in advance.
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  • You can access the URL from one hour before the lecture. If you are not used to using Zoom, please allow plenty of time for your participation.
  • Please refrain from taking part in this event in cars or in areas that may cause inconvenience to other people or are noisy.
  • A strong and stable internet connection is required.
  • We recommend that you use a Wi-Fi connection (rather than a mobile phone network) to access the lecture, as it may use a lot of data.


  • Sharing the link of Zoom to others is not allowed.
  • In order to protect the copyright of the material we provide and to protect the privacy of all attendees, recording, filming, screenshotting, etc. are not allowed in any way, either as part of the online lecture or in its entirety.
  • There are no plans to show the recorded video of the lecture. Please check the schedule and make sure that you will be able to attend the lecture.
  • All information, copyrights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights provided in the online lecture are owned by “IZI LLC”. Therefore, it is prohibited to divulge, disclose, reproduce, copy, distribute, sell, offer, advertise, or otherwise make available to any third party without the prior permission of “IZI LLC”.
  • Please note that instructors may be subject to change as a result of cleaning.
  • Please be sure to read “Who’s in charge?” before the lecture.

Cancellation Policy

The lecture at SITH Ho’oponopono will be cleaned by SITH executives and instructors from the time of registration, so we cannot accept cancellations after registration is complete for any reason.

Application Process

Course Fee

Please use the form below to make your payment by credit card.

Application Form

Flow after application

Completion Email

After we have received confirmation of your "Application" and "Payment", we will send you an email notifying you of the completion of your application in due course.

Download the Zoom app

Please download the Zoom app onto your device before the event.
Please refer to the following link to download the application.
● How to download Zoom application

Participating in online lecture

Please access the URL in the email sent to you at the beginning of the week in which the lecture is organised.